More photos from the Miss Serbia pageant can be viewed here.

Milica Jelić will represent Serbia in Miss World 2010 pageant.
Courtesy of Lepotaizdravlje/Miss Srbije
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
Last night, the Miss Srbije 2010 finals took place at the Sava Centar in Belgrade.
Here are the complete results:
Miss Srbije 2010 - Milica Jelić, 20 (OFF TO MISS WORLD 2010)
1st RU - Anja Šaranović, 21 (OFF TO MISS UNIVERSE® 2011)
2nd RU - Jelena Milosavljević, 20 (OFF TO MISS EUROPE 2010)
Top 5
Anja Sarenovic
Jelena Milosavljevic
Tijana Rakic
Sonja Sovljakov
Milica Jelic
Top 10
Kristina Stevanovic
Jelena Pesic
Natasa STankovic
Sonja Stovljakov
Tijana Rakic
Milica Jelic
Jelena Milosavljevic
Jelena Djukic
Bojana Rakic
Anja Sarenovic
Special thanks to Milan Blagojevic!
Photo credit: Miss Yu
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)