#3 Whitney with #6 Marika
#5 Pairle
#4 Sarah
#1 Venise with #7 Alison
The finals will be held on July 17.
WINNER will represent Guadeloupe in Miss Universe 2010 and Miss World 2010 pageants.
Courtesy of Miss International Guadeloupe
Here are more photos of the Miss International Guadeloupe 2010.
#8 Matie, #2 Ericka with #6 Marika
#10 Elodie, #4 Sarah, #3 Whitney with #6 Marika
Courtesy of Miss International Guadeloupe
source: (Thank you and credits to
ilovebeauty56: http://www.pinoyexchange.com/
and all sources for the information and pictures)